Indy Partnership

Global Indy Business Center

The Indy Chamber drives global trade in the Indianapolis region by convening international business, increasing exports, 支持外商直接投资.


当公司在印第地区扩张或搬迁时, they often need a temporary office space for site visits or meetings before they’ve broken actual ground. The Global Indy Business Center provides work and conference space in downtown Indianapolis designed for international companies headquartered overseas. 商务中心提供三到六个月的访问时间, 包括帮助租户探索的全方位服务, understand, 并在印第安纳波利斯地区市场推出.

Suite Benefits
  • Shared office space
  • 配备最新科技的会议室
  • Full-color copier/printer/scanner
  • High-speed Wi-Fi and phone access
  • Group collaboration areas
  • Secure access
Participants can take advantage of the Indy Chamber’s network of connections for banking, real estate, logistics, supply chain, language/culture, workforce needs, market entry planning, accounting, legal services, and marketing.

Certificate of Origin

The Indy Chamber, 通过与美国世界贸易商会的合作, offers electronically chamber stamped Certificate of Origin and export related documents.

通过启用文档验证,确保您的流程符合要求,并为将来提供证明. The authenticity of each document can be verified by customs worldwide through the International Chamber of Commerce Accreditation Chain at

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What is a Certificate of Origin?

A Certificate of Origin (CO) is an important international trade document attesting that goods in a particular export shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured, 或者在一个特定的国家加工. 原产地证书也构成出口商的一份声明.

每年发行数以百万计的原产地证书,促进了世界各地的贸易. 早在1898年,商会就开始签发非优惠原产地证书.

The 1923 Geneva Convention and subsequent Kyoto Convention have seen governments formally recognize the important role chambers play in this domain, deeming them competent authorities and credible trusted third parties in the issuance of COs.

Virtually every country in the world considers the origin of imported goods when determining the duty that will be applied to the goods or, in some cases, 货物是否可以合法进口.

In addition, co可能需要符合信用证的要求, foreign customs requirements, or a buyer’s request.

How do I get started?

设置您的帐户:下载并填写以下表格,并将其交回 [email protected].

虽然您不需要成为十大玩彩信誉平台即可访问此服务, the service fee for each document is $20 for Indy Chamber members and $40 for non-members.

如果需要非电子副本, 可以通过在线门户网站申请,额外支付30美元(快递费用)。, 或者以你选择的信使为代价. 附加服务的价格(上面列出)可以直接在门户网站上找到. 如果您想了解非电子(i.e. 我们的工作人员提供的副本,请以电子邮件发送 [email protected].

The Indy Chamber offers in-person, non-electronic services to in-market members only. 这些服务在周四提供, 由下午一时至四时,派员派送/取件.


一旦贵公司的账户建立, you will receive a welcome email from our ICC-accredited affiliate with log-in information.

You may use this unified log-in anywhere in the United States to manage and generate electronic CO/COO and other documents across multiple company locations.

Those CO/COO are then certified by the Indy Chamber, as an ICC-accredited affiliate. Your account will enable you to quickly generate and certify these and other documents, 而不需要去我们位于印第安纳波利斯市中心的办公室.

Through your account, 您将有能力生成:在线商会认证, 网上产地来源证及阿拉伯产地来源证, 以及在线文件合法化请求. If proof of review or a non-electronic (“wet stamp” or “embossing”) process is required, 您的网上帐户也可以用来制作这些非电子文件. Any errors in documentation will be bounced back to you for correction, at no additional cost. You will also have access to our Online Certificate Verification tool for overseas Customs authorities, banks, and other related entities.


Certain countries, primarily those that are non-signatories to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, require commercial documents to be legalized by the country’s US Embassy or Consulate. Depending on invoice value, 在一些国家,大使馆的费用可能高达数千美元, 因此,出口商必须了解这些要求.

The most common countries requiring embassy or consulate legalization include: Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bolivia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Paraguay, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Qatar, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen.

我们商会与AWTCC合作,为系统用户提供这项服务. 在处理之前,每个文件都是单独引用的. 只需申请合法服务.

Exporter Readiness Checklist

许多企业可以出口, 但他们认为这个过程过于繁琐,或者不知道从哪里开始. The Exporter Readiness Checklist includes areas to consider when determining your level of export readiness while also providing an internal assessment of your exporting needs and capabilities.
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Does your company have a product or service that has successfully sold in the domestic market?

A product or service’s success in the domestic market is a good indicator of its potential for export success. 如果你的产品或服务没有在国内市场试用过, 你可以先专注于国内销售. In the meantime, view Strategic Reasons to Export 了解您的企业如何从出口中获益.

Is your company’s management committed to developing export markets and willing and able to dedicate time and resources to the process? 贵公司是否有明确目标和策略的出口业务计划?

管理承诺是出口成功的首要决定因素, 也是任何出口计划的重要组成部分. 许多公司开始出口活动时杂乱无章, 没有仔细筛选市场或进入市场的选择. 如果没有出口计划,更好的出口机会往往会被忽视. 首先要制定一个深思熟虑的出口战略. View My Export Plan, Research the Global Market Place, and Select Initial Markets.

Does your company have sufficient production capacity that can be committed to the export market? 扩张是否需要融资?

你的公司能满足不断增长的需求吗? More space and equipment might be required to manufacture for the specific countries (which often have their own product standards and regulations) you are selling to. 融资可能需要包括任何产品修改费用. See Determine Your Export Potential to explore.

Does your company have the financial resources to actively support an increase in product sales in targeted overseas markets?

许多公司面临的一大障碍是市场开发, 因为它需要国际旅行等活动的资金, trade missions, trade show participation, market research, and business training. 然而,联邦政府出口融资项目可以提供帮助. View Obtain Financing 浏览《十大玩彩信誉平台》的连结.

Does your company have the capabilities to modify ingredients and product packaging to meet foreign import regulations, cultural preferences, and survive competition?

Selecting and preparing your product for export requires both knowledge of the product and the unique characteristics of each target market. However, before the sale can occur, your product(s) may need to be modified to satisfy buyer tastes or regulatory requirements in foreign countries. 查看“计划您的市场进入策略”视频 How to Export Video Series.

贵公司是否具备将产品运往海外的相关知识, such as identifying and selecting international freight forwarders and freight costs to ensure customs clearance overseas?

When shipping a product overseas, be aware of packing, labeling, documentation, and insurance requirements. Also, 熟悉装运方法, 外国进口规章制度, and export regulations of the U.S. government. Visit the Navigate Shipping and Logistics page to begin.

Do you have both U.S. 为您的产品提供国外知识产权保护?

U.S. businesses should know that protecting your intellectual property domestically does not extend your protection internationally, 因此,企业应该在出口前先做调查. View Protecting Your IP Abroad.

贵公司有出口付款方式方面的知识和经验吗, 比如信用证的开发和议付?

经验丰富的出口商对出口付款机制有广泛的了解, extend credit cautiously, and monitor older accounts. The U.S. Commercial Service International Company Profile (ICP) provides key information for credit checks. See the Methods of Payment page and Get Export Counseling for guidance.

贵公司对美国有了解和了解吗.S. export controls and compliance?

检查一下你的产品是否需要出口许可证, 特别是如果你的产品有军事用途或军民两用. There are several U.S. government agencies that oversee licensing requirements for distinct categories of products. Visit U.S. Export Regulations.


Global Indy provides resources to regional companies who have never considered entering the world market or need a little help to get the ball rolling. It also provides a platform for international businesses to engage with key stakeholders, 并利用一个面向全球的合作伙伴网络来成长和成功.

Global Business Coaching

The Indy Chamber’s full suite of business services includes connections to export resources.

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International Market Guides

查看最新的市场趋势,可通过美国.S. Country Commercial Guides.

Facts Sheet


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